Title: Danh Thuong Sy, Do Van Hai, Ritesh Kumar Choudhary, The Bach Tran, Hoang Mau Chu, Huu Quan Nguyen, Thi Thu Nga Nguyen, Gordon C. Tucker, Joongku Lee (2020). Capparis kbangensis (Capparaceae), a new species from central Vietnam. PhytoKeys 151: 83–91 (2020); doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.151.50477
Capparis kbangensis Sy & D.V. Hai, a new species from Kbang District, Gia Lai Province, Vietnam, is described and illustrated. The new species is morphologically similar to Capparis versicolor but differs by several characters such as emarginate leaf apex, hairy margin of sepals, smaller fruits, and fewer seeds per fruit. Its ecology and conservation status are provided along with a taxonomic key to the closely allied species.
Capers, Capparis versicolor, Gia Lai Province, taxonomy
Khoa Sinh học chúc mừng PGS.TS. Sỹ Danh Thường và nhóm nghiên cứu.